This Sunday was sooo Amazing!! The talk by David A Bednar called "The Character of Christ" changed my life. How I view things. It's not about myself. It is about the name on my badge, Jesu Kristo. I need to look away from the natural man and turn toward God. Christ has never once thought about himself. Even through all his trials. It's amazing how one could be so loving for all that was done to him. The question that now always goes through my mind is: "Is Christ in me?" Some trials that he had but yet he still reached out when he was in the Garden of Gethsemane. As he was praying before he told his three Apostles to stand guard and watch while he was gone. But when he came back they were all asleep and they he was also betrayed by one of them by a kiss. The Guards come to get Jesus and Peter cuts off the guards ear. After all that pain and anguish he went through in the Garden, for you and me. So much pain that it cause him to sweat drops of blood from his body. And when Peter does this, Jesus heals the guards ear with compassion and love. He turned outward instead of wanting all the attention for what he had just done. Another example is: At the crucifixion while Christ was on the cross in agony. He tells the apostles to take care of his mother. And also he is proselyting to the two murders that are next to him on the cross saying, "Today we return to our Father in Heaven" ... what an example for us to follow and try to be more like him in our daily lives.
Kabalo ako nga matuod any libro ni Mormon Kog ano any Pubny san Diyos. Kabako ako ngu matuod any simbohanni Jesu Kristo. (I know I didn't type that correctly but I gave it a shot)
Elder Cody Johnson
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