This week was a decent week. I remember our mission president saying "if you don't have baptisms EACH week you repent every week" and we didn't have one this week sadly. But this Christmas day we have two baptisms!! It's crazy how the Lord works! Our vision for this Bacolod Philippines mission is that we baptize weekly. This mission is the highest baptizing mission in the world. we average 100-200 baptisms each month. This is what the Lord's work is about. We are preparing souls to return back to their father in heaven. As we teach, I learned there are three things that we are judged by and 5 things we need on this earth in our life the three are:
1. By our words
2. By our works
3. By our thoughts
But that's how serious our father in heaven wants us to take "our body is a temple" by our thoughts, words and works. The five things we need here on this life are:
1. Faith in Jesus Christ
2. Repentance
3. Baptism for the remission of sins
4. Receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost and
5. Endure to the very end!!!
Sounds familiar no? But this is what every person needs here on this earth to enter into the kingdom of god! And how great is it that not only missionaries can share but also members!!! This is the Lord's work not ours and we sustain president Thomas S. Monson but through his commandment to us "members and missionaries work together now, in the LORD'S vineyard to bring souls to him." The promise to us is that "how great our joy shall be if we but bring one soul unto him, but how great if many" and how great of a promise is that!! MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!!!!! HAVE A GREAT NEW YEAR AND ALWAYS TRUST IN THE LORD! IMPROVE AND WORK
Love Elder Johnson
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