MAAYON AGA SA TANAN!!! Good morning everyone! First I'd like to share a spiritual experience that happened to me, and it goes like this.................. Well after loosing my brand new consecrated oil container and looking for it for days. I checked everywhere i possibly could've left it. I looked in my pants and went through all the pockets in my pants but it wasn't there. The next two days my companion and I were sick (ALL BETTER NOW) cough cough mom* haha. I decided to continue in my daily studies even though I was sick. In my studies, I learned in 1 Nephi "The tender mercies of The Lord are over all those whom he hath chosen, because of their faith." In all my studying that day, that is what stuck out to me.
Later on in the day we decided to go to our main investigators house and as I was getting ready ...I put my hands in my pocket and what do you know.. my concecrated oil container was in there.. and the VERY FIRST thing that popped into my mind.. not even thinking it was "The tender mercies of The Lord are over all those who are[faithful]" and I finally ... finally received a positive 100 percent answer that the Book of Mormon is TRUE... just for deciding to be faithful in my studies.. The Lord works in mysterious ways.
SECOND my Isaiah studies... so in Isaiah 50:11 he says "all ye that kindle a fire, that compass yourselves about with sparks: walk in the light of your fire, and in the sparks that ye HAVE kindled."I thought.. we always have apostles and prophets quote Isaiah but then I thought.. maybe Isaiah was quoting a future apostle of The Lord.. who is Elder Jeffery R. Holland.. this sounds SO familiar to me.. what Elder Holland said was, "in moments of fear or doubt or troubling times, hold to the ground you HAVE ALREADY won, even if that ground is limited, have faith and hold fast to what you already know and stand strong till additional knowledge comes." Similar no??
If we have kindled a fire (have a testimony small or big) but all we have now are sparks from that (less active.. unsure.. weak) walk in the light of your fire (STAND ON THE GROUND YOU HAVE ALREADY WON) and in the sparks you HAVE kindled.( even if that ground is limited.. if it is only "I know that God loves me") USE WHAT WE KNOW! AND STAND STRONG ALWAYS!!! sorry for the length! I LOVE ISAIAH.. ponder pray and study. I love you all!!!
Elder Cody Johnson