Sunday, February 2, 2014

Faith WITH Works!

As I was studying and pondering...  I was thinking on these Alma chapters (Chapters 43-46). Why do they talk about war? What is the purpose of them? As I remembered the verse in Jacob where he says, "Nothing shall be written in this book that is not of great worth to the children of men"... so that means.. every single verse in the Book of Mormon is of great worth!! Sometimes we read ... Just to read! Especially in the Isaiah chapters, in 2 Nephi, and the war chapters! But the one thing I got from my reading was in Alma 43:23 ... Moroni has a little dilemma and he decides to do two things.  One he "sent spies into the wilderness to watch their camp" AND  two "go to Alma (the prophet) to see that the LORD wants him to do".  How great of an example is that?  He uses faith WITH works! Without both, he wouldn't have been as successful as he was! He was...  because he had faith AND works!

Another thought is that after that in Alma 43:24 the Lord tells Alma that the armies of the Lamanites are going around the wilderness, so what does alma do? He acts, he goes to cut them off!  We all know the story, Moroni and Lehi trap the army of the Lamanites and the wicked are slayed and the righteous are saved.  It goes on to talk about him with Zarahemna and i'll talk about that later.  What I learned in this war chapter is:  That we have a LIVING prohpet to lead and guide us! We also have been blessed with mission leaders, bishops, and stake presidents!! So many to lead and guide us!!

Love Elder Johnson 

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