First I want to give a list of scriptures from Doctrine and Covenants 6:9, 11:9, 14:8, 18:14, 19:21, 33:10, 34:6, 36:6, 43:20-22, 44:3, 55:2, 58:47. There are 5 words I want to point out; Say, Declare, Cry, Call, and Preach. These words all point to one thing "REPENTANCE" But what is the difference between "Repentance" and "Repent"?
Repentance: A process, or a change of heart, life style.
Repent: An invitation.
When we invite people it is to repent. The word Invite is repent. The word repent is repentance. We invite people to repent and when they repent they go through the repentance process. The most simple invitation to support my claim is one that Jesus Christ said which is "come, follow me." This invitation is repent and repentance. Those three words are inviting all men to change their old ways and to do good and be better. The single word "repent" is Saying, Declaring, Crying, Calling, and Preaching repentance.
Moroni 7:12-13 That which inviteth to do good is from God.
That which inviteth to do evil is from the Devil.
Q:But what if someone is in-between? what if they don't do anything(don't invite)? is it from God or the Devil?
A: From the devil. If it is not inviting to do good then it is from him. That is why it is so important to Say, Declare, Cry, Call, and Preach repentance! Our purpose "is to INVITE..." if we are not inviting we are not doing what God wants of us.
Alma 26
"But behold, they are in the hands of the Lord of the harvest, and they are his, yea. . . God is mindful of every people, whatsoever land they may be in; yea, he numbereth his people."
These souls are Gods, not ours. They are his and always will be. We are just instruments in which God prepares a way for his children to receive his words and enter into his fold. I know that God loves each of us and knows each of us. His love is un-explainable and un-describable. The only way to describe it is Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the Son of God. They both love us beyond imaginable. He paid for our sins and invites ALL to come unto him, and so should we.
Love Elder Cody W. Johnson
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