Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Call ... So Excited

Post Office

The Call came in... he was the only one that came out of three boys that day... so glad I don't think we would have made it another week waiting!!


At the High School

Cody couldn't wait any longer.  He had a baseball game and so he couldn't be late or miss a class so up to the High School we went.They let us use an office not in use... and we had to get Tanner on speaker phone because he was on a field trip with the Middle School.  But Cody didn't want to wait and we improvised!!

The Philippines ... how amazing!!

Telling Tanner where he is serving!!
A friend of Cody's took a video of the call.  Then sent me this photo off of the video.  So sweet and such a tender moment for our family.

The Lord is preparing Cody and have seen changes already.  Can't wait to see what the future hold for this boy!