Sunday, January 18, 2015

Six More Months

Well... only 6 more months.. I don't know and am not sure how to explain the feelings that I have right now.. really weird and sad. Just thinking back to my first two areas I where I blew away 10 months of my mission struggling with disobedient companions trying to help them be more obedient then the state they were at. As this new year started I've made a resolution to not only finish these six months out but to consecrate them with the obedient and hard working companions that the Lord has blessed me with. I just want to express my love and appreciation for each and every one of you, especially my loving family. As I consecrate these last six months all I ask is to support me and to pray for me. I do not want any other packages or things coming from home. It will not only help me but help you. I do appreciate sincerely the things I've received for the past 1 1/2 year. But in all honesty it can wait 6 more months and will save you more money. I will be sending one group email instead of replying one by one to everyone and will hope to uplift and increase your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ for the time that i have remaining to serve the Lord with all my heart, might, mind, and strength. 
I want to send my appreciation to my family for the prayers and fasts for the Lord's children in Isabela searching for the truth. This sacrament meeting we were blessed to have 19 investigators attend sacrament meeting. The attendance of the group in San Agustin was 65. I could not and can not express the feelings of happiness that I had received as I entered into that little house where we hold our special sacrament/group and to see all those people that we have been working so hard to get to come unto the Lord, finally, make the decision to come and partake of his goodness.
I want to share a story of one investigator in specific. Emelio Espanola. This father of two girls who are getting baptized on the 24th of January finally came to church after searching for the Truth. This was honestly a blessing of the Lord and this is his story. So this week he was working, hiking up and down the mountains, but on Friday something happened, as he was hiking down he took the wrong step on a rock and slipped and was almost paralyzed. He explained "I am lucky that the rock did not land directly on my back somehow I was moved to the side where it only hit a few inches from my spine." As we went there on Saturday not knowing of this thing, we come into his house and see him laying down and ask him and he explained the story. The thing that entered into my mind was not to follow up about his prayer about Joseph Smith but to simply read from James 5:14-15 and to give him a blessing, so that is just what we did. As we finished the prayer we shook his hand and walked off. That next day, Sunday, he recited to me what happened, he said, " After you left elders, it was hard to walk, very hard, but I stood up and I went outside and walked around my house and I was determined to come to church no matter how far I had to walk." and he did precisely what he said, he did come to church, wants to be baptized with his wife and his kids. "The prayer of faith shall save the sick" and you're prayers did save the sick, not the sick physically, but the sick spiritually. This is just one of the MANY miracles that we had this week. Thank you all for your support and prayers. I offer the same to you all and express my gratitude and love for each and every one of you!
Love, Elder Cody W. Johnson

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